Saturday, October 30, 2010

You Weren't Alone Today

Do you remember when I cried while mopping my kitchen floor because I was thankful for the filth?  Well, today I bring out my mop to clean the floor once again, but this time, I think of a different narrative.

I imagine who else in the world is mopping a kitchen floor at this exact moment.  Of the 6 billion folks living on the planet today, chances are good that somebody is also mopping a floor.  Maybe thousands of us are.

And then, I start imagining you fellow moppers:  your countries, your lives, your particular sorrows.  I can't help what comes next:  I start praying for unnamed, unknown people. I pray that you would find joy in the work; I pray that whatever happens on your floor today would be a good thing.

Then I go about my morning.  But something has changed in me.

I wash dishes, and I imagine other people who are scrubbing breakfast dishes at this exact moment.  Next I fold laundry and wonder who else of the 6 billion of us are folding underwear right now.  I smile and giggle to think of this community of underwear-folders.  And then I say a prayer for the people folding underwear out there. 

I'm not alone in these tasks.  I'm never alone at all.  We are all in this together--you, me, and people all over the world--mopping floors, scrubbing dishes, and folding underwear.  We did it together today.  So if you felt alone, you weren't.


  1. What a great post. It's simple and to the point. And I was mopping my floor at exactly the time you were mopping yours.

    Usually I am angry when I clean. Angry because my husband is home all day and I wonder why I have to spend the precious little time I have off cleaning a house. But today it was a happy cleaning session. I felt such a huge sense of satisfaction. So I went out and bought a new pillow for the couch and some new candles.

    And I've written a little novella here.

  2. Wonderful post! When I pray online, I think of the many people in different time zones who are praying with me. I love the idea of being connected to the world through daily work.
    We lived with flair today by participating in
    and enjoying some time outside promoting our sanctuaries at my friend's pet shop, showing off our dogs, educating people on Prop B here in MO (vote NO) and taking photos of many dogs dressed up for Halloween.
    Next, I need to study and prepare for my yearly eval. at work as an RN in the ICU...pray for me :)!

  3. Often I try to imagine what other people, in other countries I have not even been to, might be doing at a given time. So, I love your idea of many people around the world sharing in our daily work and no one being alone. You have an amazing outlook on life; thank you for sharing it each day.

  4. Thank you! I'm reading this on Monday morning...about to clean my house. I will clean with prayer and thanksgiving today knowing that I'm not alone in my efforts.

  5. That's a great thing. I'm going through a parent in the process of dying and your post kind of hit. I'm not the only one!

  6. So sorry to hear about your parent. You are not alone.

  7. Made me smile.

    Did we drink tea together today too? :)

  8. I hope you were surprised at my mention of this post over at The High Calling, "Around the Network" monthly best of posts.

    I really like this post and all of your work. Keep writing!

    David Rupert, Editor, High Calling Newsletter


I'd love to hear your thoughts about how you are living with flair today.