Friday, January 25, 2013

Better Than You Found It

I'm talking about oath taking in my advanced writing course. We're reading the Hippocratic Oath for health professionals and asking ourselves what a professional oath might look like in our diverse fields.

I remember my husband reciting for me the Boy Scout Oath and adding on that you always want to leave a place "better than you found it." For him, this isn't just about camp sites; it's for grocery stores, restaurants, and even gas stations. Although technically not a Scout law, from the time he was a young boy, he pledged to leave places--and now people--better than he found them.This might mean picking up garbage. This might mean encouraging an employee. This might mean helping someone with a task.

What if we all left places and people better than we found them? Every encounter becomes an opportunity to add beauty and order. We leave a blessing wherever we go.

What can you leave better than you found it today?

1 comment:

  1. I like that! I have to admit I have a junky table top that I need to leave better than I found it this morning. I started to clean it off, but stopped before finishing the job. Will return and do it now.


I'd love to hear your thoughts about how you are living with flair today.