Tuesday, March 12, 2013

At Just the Right Time: 2 Bright Spots on a Miserable Day

Day two of this virus has me curled in bed (this will be short!). Nothing's changed! I'm still so sick! Just as I consider that God has forgotten me, I read the words of my new favorite blogger over at Hopefully Devoted. Today, she writes about Jericho. She says this:

"I wonder how the Israelites must have felt, walking around the city day after day and seeing no change in the wall. I think about the things I have been (metaphorically) marching around. I realize that no change doesn't mean God isn't present, it doesn't mean God isn't at work. No change means I've been given an opportunity to put my faith, my trust in God. God brings us to Jericho to mature our faith, to take us out of our comfort zone, to get us to make a leap of faith, to show us his faithfulness." Read more.

She often sees "no change" with her health, and yet she knows God is still working.

And then, just as I began to worry about who would cook dinner tonight, my amazing neighbor arrives with a gift certificate to a restaurant so my husband can just take the girls to dinner after work. (Thank you, Jenny Kelly!)

Nothing's changed with this sickness, but God is working and even blessing.
I hope you are having some bright spots today.

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