Monday, October 7, 2013

He Will Rescue You

As I read Psalm 35, I'm suddenly struck by the repetition of one word: rescue.

I learn afresh that God rescues us from what comes against us. I recall all I've been rescued from, and I can hardly contain the joy inside of me when I remember.

But today, I ask God to rescue me from ways of thinking and being that violate and disable the sweet peace He offers. I ask God to rescue me from fear that keeps me in a state of hyper-control and anxiety.

He rescues us! At the very end of this psalm, David--who wrote this while being hunted down by his enemies--writes, "The Lord be exalted who delights in the well-being of his servant."

I seldom remember that God truly delights in our well-being. He is our Rescuer from whatever distresses and endangers us.

Praise Him. When I feel hunted down by anything at all, whether internally or externally, I appeal to my Rescuer.


Danielle Noelani Austin said...

I needed to hear this. Thanks!

Diane R. said...

This is wonderful. Thank you!