Saturday, February 28, 2015

The Best Ten Minutes

My daughter keeps telling me that ten minutes of jumprope is equivalent to running for 30 minutes. Do it, Mom! You'll love it! 

I read a fitness blogger's summary of the research reports that say that ten minutes of jumping rope has the same cardiovascular benefits as:

  • 30 minutes of jogging
  • 2 sets of tennis singles
  • 30 minutes of racquet and handball playing
  • 720 yards of swimming
  • 18 holes of golf
How encouraging! But can I do it? Yes, I can! It's hard. Very hard. We set a timer and jump rope in the kitchen since it's 9 degrees outside. Jumping rope indoors offers me a way to exercise when it's too cold to walk! Yahoo! 

We jump and jump and jump. We play Motown music in the background. (I love Motown music in the background of anything I'm doing lately.) 

I'll report back on my jumprope progress. For now, it's something so fun to do with children indoors. Just don't do it if there's a fan and light above your head (lesson learned). And watch out for cats. 

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